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Jewelry & Crafts
Subcategory: Porcelain Factories
In 2003, the factory celebrated its 40th birthday. During its 40 years of operation, Uralskiy Farfor made over 570 million porcelain items.
Uralskiy Farfor's team of craftsmen always strives to preserve its style and to keep up the image of the factory's exclusive, stylish, and up-to-date products.
Currently, Uralskiy Farfor is producing a one-of-a-kind porcelain bust of Russia's President Vladimir Putin.
ЗАО "Уральский фарфор"
457040, Челябинская область, г. Южноуральск. ул. Береговая, 1
Телефон: (35134) 5-34-51
Факс: (35134) 5-34-51
Е-mail: ufsbit@mail.ru